Add:158 Xuecheng Road, Xueyan Town, |
Wujin City, Jiangsu, China (213169) |
Tel:+86-519-86160288, 86158021, |
86158322, 86160118, 86160228 |
Fax:+86-519-86162202 |
E-mail:jushun@liyangchem.com |
1-Dimethylamino-2-propanol |
CAS No.: 108-16-7
Colorless liquid; molecular weight: 103.2; flash point: 35℃ ; melting point: <-20℃; boiling point: 123~128℃; density: relative density (water=1)0.85(25℃); relative density (air=1)3. 52; stability: stable; flammable liquid.
As raw material for organic synthesis, and intermediate for the synthesis of promethazine